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"Turkey Has Become a Preferred Country for Organ Transplantation"

ONKOD President Dr. Yavuz Selim Çınar: "Turkey's success in organ transplantation is watched with interest all over the world. That is why many patients from abroad come to our country for organ transplantation. Turkey has become a preferred country for organ transplantation. Nearly 300 foreign patients recover their health in Turkey and return to their countries annually.""It was always said, 'We went to the USA to get this training'. Now surgeons from the USA are coming to our country...

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Organs of brain-dead person in Bursa will connect 6 patients to life

The organs of a 29-year-old man who died of brain death in Bursa were donated by his relatives. According to the statement made by the Provincial Directorate of Health, the male patient, who was being treated at Bursa High Specialization Training and Research Hospital due to brain hemorrhage, died despite the efforts of doctors. After discussions with hospital officials, his family decided to donate his organs. The operation removed his heart, liver, kidneys and corneas....

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Beat cancer at 72, prays for doctors

Ramazan Çölmek, 72, who underwent surgery for colon cancer at Kastamonu Training and Research Hospital last year and whose health got better day by day, thanked his doctors who contributed to his surgery and diagnosis of his disease while leading a healthy life for the last year.... Ramazan, 72, who was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2022 during the Covid-19 period and underwent chemotherapy 8 times...

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Brain death and vegetative state should not be confused

Bursa High Specialization Training and Research Hospital Organ Transplant Coordinator Dr. Yavuz Selim Çınar stated that one of the biggest problems in organ donation is the confusion of the concepts of "brain death" and "vegetative life". In a written statement released by the General Secretariat of Bursa Public Hospitals Union, Çınar said that Bursa has a rate of organ donation well above the average rate in Turkey, but...

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More people are connected to life with the theme of 'Life-saving permission' in organ donation

ONKOD President Dr. Çınar stated that a patient waiting for an organ transplant in Turkey has 7 chances in a million people, and said that if donations increase, the chance of transplantation will also increase Dr. Yavuz Selim Çınar, President of the Organ Transplant Coordinators Association (ONKOD), reminded AA correspondent that every year November 3-9 is celebrated as Organ Donation Week. Explaining that they organized many activities during the year...

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We are giving the world a 'lesson' in living transplantation

Turkey ranks among the top in the world with successful practices in living kidney and liver transplantation and provides training to those working in the field of organ transplantation. Ankara MADRID - YEŞIM SERT KARAASLAN Dr. Yavuz Selim Çınar, President of the Organ Transplant Coordinators Association (ONKOD), made a statement to the AA correspondent at the International Organ Transplant Congress held in Madrid, the capital of Spain, regarding the situation of organ transplantation in the world and in Turkey.

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