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"Turkey Has Become a Preferred Country for Organ Transplantation"

ONKOD President Dr. Yavuz Selim Çınar: "Turkey's success in organ transplantation is watched with interest all over the world. That is why many patients from abroad come to our country for organ transplantation. Turkey has become a preferred country for organ transplantation. Approximately 300 foreign patients return to their countries after recovering their health in Turkey annually.""It was always said, 'We went to the USA to get this training'. Now surgeons from the USA come to our country and receive transplant training. They come to our country to learn live organ transplantation. This is a great success for us."

BURSA (AA) - SİNAN BALCIKOCA - President of Organ Transplant Coordinators Association (ONKOD) Dr. Yavuz Selim CinarHe said that Turkey's success in organ transplantation is followed with interest all over the world and that it has become a preferred country in this field.

Dr. CinarIn his statement to AA correspondent, he emphasized that every healthy person may need an organ at some point in their lives, which is why organ donation is very important.

CinarPointing out the importance of donations from brain dead people, he stated that everyone should be sensitive about this issue.

Stating that nearly 2 million patients worldwide and about 26 thousand patients in Turkey are on organ waiting lists Cinarthat these patients will hold on to life with the organs to be donated.

CinarPointing out that Turkey is among the leading countries in the world in organ transplantation, he said:

"Turkey's success in organ transplantation is watched with interest all over the world. That is why many patients from abroad come to our country for organ transplantation. Turkey has become a preferred country for organ transplantation. In our country, surgeries and transplants are performed under better conditions than many developed countries of the world with both technical equipment and surgical success. This causes many patients to prefer our country for transplantation. Annually, nearly 300 foreign patients regain their health in Turkey and return to their countries."

- "They come to our country to learn about live organ transplantation"

Explaining that Turkey has a serious success in the field of organ transplantation Cinarnoted the following:

"Transplant surgeons from the USA, the UK, Central Asia, the Far East and other countries around the world, especially the USA and the UK, who are transplant surgeons or who want to improve themselves, are participating in operations in our country. It was always said, 'We went to the USA to get this training'. Now surgeons from the USA come to our country and receive transplant training. They come to our country to learn live organ transplantation. This is a great success for us."


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